Friday, January 14, 2011

God Does Speak

As Elihu enters to speak with Job, he takes a different approach than Job's three other friends and changes the tone from a debate to a explanation, and well he does. At some point, everything really has been said, and the truth needs to be determined somehow. That, however, isn't my point for today.

Elihu speaks something so simple and true in 33:14 when he states "For God does speak--now one way, now another--though man may not perceive it." I'm willing to let eloquent words speak for themselves and will add just a few personal comments:
1. Do I wish that God was clearer in his communication to me? Sure, who doesn't?
2. Do I wish that God used less poetry and more prose? Yeah, but that's just me.
3. Do I wish that God JUST TOLD ME WHAT HE WANTED? Of course I do.

But that's not how it works. If God did all those things, I'd have no need for faith--I'd just sign up for God's blessings. However, we'll read on December 24th (and so many other days) why faith is so vital. That's why, more often than not, when asked to pray, I ask only for discernment. God DOES speak--may we be so blessed as to perceive it.

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