Saturday, February 12, 2011

Moses Builds and Receives Instruction (Feb 13)

Today we learn of the tent of meeting, where Moses went to speak "face to face as a man speaks with a friend" with the Lord.  Imagine the scene -  all people rising and standing at the entrance of their tents, watching Moses, a pillar of cloud, and Joshua remaining in the tent after Moses left. 

Imagine the conversation;  Moses being assured the Lord's Presence will go with them and that rest would be given.  Moses showing his dependance on the Lord; by asking not to be sent if the Lord's Presence does not accompany the throng, asking for the impossible-to see God's glory.  God responds by stating He will do the very thing Moses asks and adds that He knows Moses by name.

Think of God's compassion in answering that request and in the covenant given at this, the second giving of the Ten Commandments.

Promises from God for: faithfulness; not letting guilty go unpunished, punishing children for the sins of their fathers to the  third and fourth generation; a covenant is given, Moses is told to smash the sacred stones of the tribes in the promised land, to break down the Asherah poles, to not worship any god, to celebrate the Feast of Unlevened Bread,  to know the firstborn belongs to God, to not appear before God empty handed, to rest, to not sacrifice blood with yeast, to not cook a young goat in its mothers milk. 

Remember God's command about the Asherah poles and smashing of sacred stones, for we will read more on that later.

The important work on the tabernacle begins, God commands whoever works on the Sabbath must be put to death.  A capital call is made and the response is bountiful, more is given than needed.  People were restrained from bringing more.

We read about "the cloud," this cloud is the Shekinah Glory.  It in fact is the Presence of God.  Think of all it did; it protected Israel from the Egyptian offensive,  it provided daytime shade and nighttime warmth, it provided direction,  it was a revelation of God to the Isralites.  Think of the Isralites, despite being in the presence of God, what did they do?  They grumbled.

Think of God's presence with us now, the Holy Spirit.  One can look at the work of the Shekinah Glory and easily draw a parallel to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  What do we often do?  Grumble.

"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord" 2 Peter1:2-NIV


How are you reassured, comforted and encouraged by the fact that God knows you by name?

What preparation do you undergo to meet with God in worship, communion?

What do you bring: Praise, Time, Talent, Treasure; to the Lord?

Pray that the Spirit opens your eyes to see the abundant blessings that surround you daily.

In Christ,

David P

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