Saturday, February 26, 2011

Levites, Kohathites (Feb 27)

God tells Moses here in Numbers that the Levites are to help Aaron and his two sons in priestly duties.  God explained that there would be a substitution of the Levites for the firstborn male offspring of every Israelite woman.  God's plan here results in a difference of 273 between the 22,273 firstborn males 1 month old or older and the 22,000 Levites.

This difference, the potential increase in Aaron's workload as a result of 273 less assistants, was redeemed by a payment of 5 shekels to Aaron.  As a result, 1,365 shekels were given to Aaron. 

"and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:24 NIV

"Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people." Luke 1:68 NIV
God defines the duties of the: Kohathites; in the tent of meeting to; take care of the most holy things, but not to look at or touch the most holy things.  Only Aaron or his sons could do that.  God told how the most holy objects were to be covered so that the Kohathites would not die: Gershonites; in the tent of meeting to; carry the curtains or the tabernacle and courtyard: Merarites; to carry the frames.


How are you comforted today knowing of Christ's redemption of you by his substitutionary death on the cross saving you from your sin?

How have you seen God working to equip you for the work he has planned for you? 

How are you looking for God's direction in your work?

Pray for wisdom and discernment in your work for Christ and His church.  If you are wondering how to serve, as a pastor for direction.

In Christ,

David P

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