Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fear! (May 26)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
                                        Proverbs1:7 NIV

Today let us examine the above verse, it is a clear, concise, truthful statement.

Sometimes we get tripped up on a word, fear is one of those words.  Webster gives us 9 definitions for the word fear.  Most have to do with anxiety, distress or being afraid.  Definition #4, "reverential awe, esp. toward God" really stands out apart from the other definitions.  We read awe is "an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God, in awe of great political figures." 

We are learning many attributes of God this year and one of them is "awesome."  By keeping in mind "reverential awe" as a definition for fear, some confusion could be removed and cleared up.

The Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  How true, but if we removed the word knowledge from the sentance or clause in the above verse, we would be left with: The Lord is the beginning of ____________.  Think of the Lord's power, creativity, order, steadfastness, justice, awesome nature, wisdom, love, mercy and in light of that consider other words that you could place in the blank. 

But fools despise wisdom and discipline.  We read in the footnote that the word "fool" often denotes one who is morally deficient.  Paul, in Romans 1:28 NIV tells us: furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not be done.  We can also consider the Lord's given words in 1 Samuel 2:30b NIV,  Those who honor me, I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.

May the Spirit keep your eyes open on a moment by moment basis clearly to the direction of the Lord's will.

How might the term "reverential awe" change your concept of word fear when used in the phrase: fear and love God?

How do you daily see God's creativity?

Pray for the Spirit to guide pastors as they develop the messages for Sunday, to prepare hearts and minds for the message, and for obstacles to be removed that might block attendance to church.

In Christ,

David P

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