Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Contrasts (May 31)

A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
                                   From Proverbs 14 NIV

Proverbs contain a simple, poetic, awesome beauty holding pearls of wisdom and sets up stark contrasts in only a few words.  Like other books of the Bible, the Book of Proverbs does not contradict other parts of the Bible: but rather serves to provide "PIE"; Proof, Information and Examples that illustrate, support and restate in different words other verses found elsewhere in the Bible.

The Word of God points to itself, to illustrate itself, to communicate itself and to, in itself, with the Spirit guide us through our contrasts in life.

Recall and compare 1 Samuel 2:30b where the Lord states, "Those who honor me, I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained;" with the first verse above.  In both we read a simple, poetic, beautiful that holds pearls of wisdom and contrast. 

There is a positive and negative side to these verses.  On the positive side in our verses today we read about: honoring the Lord and being honored by the Lord; holding a reverent awe for the Lord and shunning evil is a mark of wisdom; and a heart at peace giving life to the body.   On the negative side we read about: fools being hotheaded and reckless; envy rotting the bones; and the Lord's disdain of men who despise him.

The world holds many contrasts.  One of the greatest is the contrast between light and darkness, between saved and unsaved.  Consider that great contrast as you cross over this week from wandering to commissioned.

As one reads the Proverbs, one might reflect on the body part that is affected by certain actions.  One may have heard the expression, 'I have a feeling in my bones.'  Today's second verse might give a clue to where that feeling comes from.

As God's attributes are beyond what we can understand; one of them being 3 in 1, we must consider that we too, created in God's image are 3 in 1: for we have a body; mind and as believers, through baptism, are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  We need to consider that the 3 parts are related and all need to be nourished correctly or there may be an adverse effect on the other parts.  Consider envy rotting the bones as an example of the interrelationship.

What contrasts do you have in your life?

How do you approach the contrasts you have in your life?

How do you ask the Spirit for guidance through your contrasts?

Pray for the Spirit's guidance on a moment by moment basis in you and that hearts are prepared to hear the Spirit's call.

In Christ,

David P


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