Saturday, September 3, 2011

Open or Closed? (Sept 3)

The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.
                                Daniel 8:26 NIV

No one knows the hour except the Father.  We can read that not even the Son of God knows the hour.  We must be prepared at all times and in all places for the end.  We should be prepared with commitment to tell the story; for time is short, hell is hot, and souls are at stake.

Today we read of instruction to Daniel to seal up his book, his vision of the end times, for the visions...have to do with concerns of the distant future.  We will read in Revelation 1, on Dec 26th, that the one who reads, hears, and takes to heart the words in Revelation, of the end times, will be blessed...for the time is near.  In addition, on December 31, we will read of another open book, the book of life.

Signs of the end times; wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, the moon appearing blood red, and other horrors are written in scripture.  I suspect that one could look at almost any time in human history and see several of these end time signs.   I suspect that in the actual end times; the tragic events humanity will experience will far surpass any past experiences.  Remember, only the Father knows the hour. 

We are being led by the Spirit to keep the book open, on a daily basis; to learn attributes of our God, to gain understanding of His plan, to learn what abundant life is, to be frequently
nurtured, supported, strengthened and encouraged.

On a side note, we are more than 3/4 of the way through the Chronological Bible.

What effects has the Chronological Bible reading had in your life this year?

What plans are you making to keep the book open, on a daily basis, after December 31?

How will you be committed next year?

Pray the Spirit guide and encourage you to continue to be committed.

In Christ,

David P

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