Sunday, September 4, 2011

Focus (September 4)

The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den.  And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.
                      Daniel 6:23 NIV

Today we read another example of God's protection, provision and support of those who trust in Him.  Daniel, when in the lion's den, did not focus on the lions.  He rather focused on God.

The account of Peter, getting out of the boat to greet Jesus on the Sea of Galilee comes to mind.  Recall that Peter was OK when he focused on Jesus, but when he focused on the waves, he sank.  When Peter returned his focus on Jesus, he again was saved.

A golfer told me a while back, that when getting ready to hit the ball, do not focus on the sand traps, water hazards, rough or other challenges the hole has to offer.  The focus should instead be on the fairway, the approach to the green and the position of the cup on the green.  The golfer added that we tend to "hit" what we focus on.

We, in our daily lives, have many challenges, troubles, difficulties and seemingly impossible situations.  These hazards in our life, may at times seem like lions.  We should follow Daniel's example and keep our trust, faith, hope and eyes on the Lord.  With a focus on the Lord, we will keep our focus true and will avoid many snares and traps that so oftentimes easily entangle us.

What kinds of things can take a person's focus off of the Lord?

What can a person do to stay focused on the Lord?

What do you do to stay focused on the Lord?

Pray to stay in God's will and focused on the Lord.

In Christ,

David P

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