Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Heart Placement (Sept 20)

He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
                                      Psalm 112:7 NIV

If a person's heart is in the right place, steadfast in the Lord; think of the peace, comfort, strength, joy, and delight that person has on a daily basis.  Consider the Lord and His attributes; strong, creative, abundant, forgiving, just, judge, unchanging, steadfast, almighty, eternal, incomparable, savior, source of life, and many others. With one's heart being steadfast with trust in the Lord and the Lord's plan, how can one be shaken by a bit or a lot of bad news?

Remember we are not given any challenges greater than we can stand and we are always given an open door; although sometimes it is hard to see the passage or open door during the challenging time.  With trust in the Lord, even though the passage is not easy to see, with a heart trusting in the Lord, the Lord will guide one through the difficult and challenging passage.

Placing one's heart in anything other than the Lord is placing one's heart in an idol.  We have read of many examples of idols causing Israel to lose their focus on God and lose their separation from surrounding nations. 

We have seen how idols are really worthless and other than cause division, strife, and cause people to stumble, do nothing.

What places do people misplace their hearts?

Where do you place your heart?

Pray for the wisdom to place your heart, with delight and joy, steadfastly in the Lord.

In Christ,

David P

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