Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Words (July 19)

The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
                                       Isaiah 50:4 NIV

Consider all the gifts we have received from the Lord; family, friends, faith, work, food, day and night, rain and others.  The gift of language, the ability to communicate is focused upon as a special gift today.  Our language, these words, that we have received and use provide us with much. 

Language is the gift that allows us to clearly and precisely communicate our feelings, ideas, concerns, cares, and thoughts.  In a very real sense, language lets us think and reason. 

Language provides us with the ability to praise and to grumble.  Remember how Moses prayed and sought God.  Compare Moses' use of language with the Israelites use of language to grumble, voice displeasure, build an idol, and to express perceived unmet wants and unmet needs. 

Through the Spirit, we read today that there is a very special gift in language.   The gift of sustaining the weary with encouraging words.  One might reflect about where the words come from when we comfort a child, an ill individual, a person with a special struggle, a prisoner or one with other needs.

It is by the Spirit that we arise in the morning and it is by the
Spirit that our ears, hearts and minds are prepared to listen, hear, learn and act on the word.

Remember, words convey to us our daily bread and also the gift of how Christ provided us redemption from sin and made us acceptable to God.

What would your friends and associates say about how you use your tongue?

How do you use your tongue to sustain, encourage, support and seek fruits of the Spirit?

Ask the Spirit to guide your speech to choose the correct words and to prepare the hearts and minds of those who hear you.

In Christ,

David P

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