Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pegs (July 7)

I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
                               Isaiah 22:22 NIV

Leadership can be considered from today's reading of Isaiah 22.  In chapter 3, leaders fleeing together and being captured without using the bow; might suggest that perhaps fear from, and other challenges of famine and disease may have played a role in the flight or capture of leadership.

The people of Jerusalem did much in their time of need and suffering, however we read in verse 11 that they did not trust in the Lord, for we read they did not, "look to the One who made it or have regard for the One who planned it long ago." 

Leaders have stewardship responsibilities.  We read of the the Lord's dealing with Shebna; who was thinking of himself first by planning an elaborate tomb.  As a result of his misguidance; and his loss of focus on shepherding the flock, the Lord removed Shebna from his office.

After Shebna's removal, Eliakim is summoned.  We read of Eliakim being clothed, given authority, and is a good peg.  This points ahead to Christ the Good Shepherd who is given all authority and is the best peg, the only peg to hang our hope for salvation on.

We know that in life, doors open and close.  We can be thankful that Christ has opened the door to eternal life and as a result we can trust in the Lord's plan.  With that trust, we can serve in humility and we can thankfully serve with humility.

On which peg do you hang your hope for salvation?

How does that show in your leadership roles?

Pray for guidance to be able to faithfully serve with humility.

In Christ,

David P

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