Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Would YOU Do?

First, for those readers who were at my presentation today on Trinity's history, thanks for the kind words, and I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to get it up on the Trinity YouTube site, but I really don't like the way the video turned out, so I'm going to try something different.

The part of today's reading I enjoyed the most is how King Ahaziah kept sending men to Elijah, and God consumed those men with fire. When I read stories like this, I try to imagine what my reaction would have been. If I was the first captain, I would have been surprised since all I did was ask Elijah to come down. If I was the second captain, I would  have been nervous, since I knew what had already happened. If I was the third captain, I would have been TERRIFIED. When God is batting 2 for 2 in the consuming companies category, I'm thinking I'd have little interest in being number 3.

To his credit, the third captain appeared to have something that kept his ears from touching each other, since he immediately appealed to Elijah's mercy. We've already read many instances where man has fought against God, and it hasn't turned out well for man in any instance to date (Jacob, Pharaoh, Baal's 450 priests), and we have more to come (Jonah, Paul), and that's a lesson we all know, but we all need to live. We fight God at our own risk,  and at this point in history, we don't have any excuse--we KNOW better--we have his word, the gift of his Son and 2,000+ years of history. So, the next time someone thinks it's a GREAT idea to go against the will of the Lord, think back to this reading, and remember how it turned out for those who would fight God.

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