Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Package (June 10)

The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.  The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails--given by one Shepherd.  Be warned my son of anything added to them.
                          Ecclesiases 12:10-12a NIV

Let us look at today's passage in some detail, for in reading today's passage, one might be led to consider Genesis, the gospel message, the crucifixion, and Revelation.

The teacher sought to find just the right words leads one to reflect on the start of the gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  God, Jesus and the Spirit teach us, all three are present in Genesis chapter one, where just the right words were stated, in the right order, in perfect time--to create the universe.

Webster provides several definitions for the word goad: a stick with a pointed or electrically charged end for driving cattle, oxen, etc.; prod: anything that pricks or wounds like such a stick: something that encourages, urges or drives; a stimulus: to prick or drive with, or as if with, a goad.  Certainly God's Word is like a goad; as it encourages, urges or drives us in the path of His truth.  His word calls to us and provides us truth.

One can very easily be pointed to the cross of Jesus by the terms "firmly embedded nails" and "one Shepherd;" especially with the capitalized 'S'.

The statements that the words are "upright and true" and the warning of anything "added to them" might lead one to consider Revelation 22 where it is stated that the words are "trustworthy and true."  In addition caution is given about adding to the words.  Also in Revelation 22 we are encouraged and urged or goaded to keep the book open.

We certainly serve an incomparable, awesome, amazing, wise, unchanging God.  His amazing plan, purpose, and power are in so many ways and at so many places in the Bible are echoed, pointing to each other and supporting each other stating and restating the truth. 

Even in a short passage like Ecclesiastes 12:10-12a one can consider many other places in scripture.  The Bible truely is one package of truth and blessing; one of God's many gifts to us.

What words do you use?

How do you seek to find just the right words?

How can others tell where your words and actions point?

Pray for the Spirit to direct our path, open eyes to see the path, and strength and courage to follow the path.

In Christ,

David P

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