Monday, June 20, 2011

Double Portion of the Spirit

First, a brief comment. If you think that kings behaving badly are things of the past, read this Wall Street Journal article about the ruling family of Tunisia. Once you've absorbed the level of corruption that family placed on its county, you will understand why Tunisia was the first of the Arab countries to rebel this past spring. Yet more proof that things haven't really changed much.

On a much brighter note, there are days when I know exactly what I'm going to write, because I've been waiting for that specific day (or more precisely, that part of the Bible), and this is one of them. We have the famous story of Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire, but I admire most what Elisha requested when asked by Elijah, which of course, was "a double portion of your spirit" (2 Kings 2:9). What a wonderful thing to ask for.

And we can still ask for it today. I used to add that request in my prayers, but realized that I was probably overusing the concept. We should by all means ask for a double portion of the spirit when we feel ourselves challenged, perplexed or simply confused by what is before us. There's nothing in the Bible to suggest that only Elisha will receive it. 2 Kings is going to be a rough read, and it will end with the people of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) taken captive by Assyria and never to be heard from again, and Judah will go into Babylonian captivity. We're quite a ways from reading about those events, because we're about to see how chronological the Bible is going to become as we jump all over it upon entry into the period of the Minor Prophets. Whenever we need it, we will be blessed just as Elisha was, and I challenge you to pay attention when you request that double portion--if you're like me, you can almost physically FEEL it.

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