Sunday, April 3, 2011

The ULTIMATE Timeline (So Far)

I think I've mentioned it before, but most chronologies of the Bible can be traced back to James Ussher, the Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, in what is now Northern Ireland (to see where I directly lifted that sentence from, click here). Since it came up at my table today (actually, I shouldn't say MY table, since MY table has deserted me for the past two weeks and will have the pleasure of having me lambast them for that next week--thanks to the Wallaces for letting me sit in), the following time line will show just how EVERYTHING fits in time-wise since Creation. Ussher's date for creation was October 23rd, 4004 BC, but every chronology hinges on when the Exodus occurred, since we can effectively tie most events to that with some Scriptural cross-referencing. As such, in table form (the chart is WAAAAAAY too messy):

The point is to show how much time has elapsed since God created the world, and you can see I'm in the ballpark with Ussher. My only caveat, which I will NOT expand upon, is that his was 17th Century work, and our knowledge has increased immensely since then. 

My take-home points:
1. Time since creation at this point--around 3000 years
2. Time since the Patriarchs--around 1,000 years
3. Time since leaving Egypt--believe it or not, we're about 300 years after the Exodus at this point. Time flies indeed.

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