Monday, April 18, 2011

An Olive Tree (April 18)

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;  I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
                                          Psalm 52:8 NIV

Our readings have provided many examples that despite Israel's failures, God's unfailing love to Israel endures.  God never fails and has the perfect plan.  His understanding is totally complete, comprehensive and clear and is in contrast to our incomplete, imperfect and imprecise understanding.  We can give thanks for God's unearned and undeserved love.

We read in this Psalm of David that he, David, is like an olive tree.  An initial reaction might be one of not being impressed.  On further consideration, the reaction should be one of great impression, for below follow some facts from Wikipedia about olive trees:

        During WWII, Greeks who stored olives and olive
           oil survived the German occupation much better than
           Greeks who did not store olives and olive oil.
        Olive trees have lived for up to 2000 years
        Olives were exports from Cannan 3000 years BC
        Olive trees are very drought resistant
        Athenians claimed the Olive grew in Athens first
        The olive leaf was a symbol of abundance, glory, and
        Olive oil is used in anointing
        The olive has been a symbol of peace, purity, power, 
           wisdom and fertility.

May we be olive trees, flourishing in the house of God, trusting in God's unfailing love and being lights showing Christ's love to the world.

Pray for safety and protection of Church leaders that God wraps his protective arms around them and their families.

In Christ,

David P

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