Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Disater Avoidance (April 21)

When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before David with her face to the ground.  She fell at his feet and said: "..., my master will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself.  And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant."
                                     From 1 Samuel 25 NIV

Abigail, Nabal's wife, was a wise woman.  Nabal was a fool, for he did not accept the well wishes of a former faithful steward, David.  Instead, he insulted David and by those insults, prompted David to have his men put on swords and set off for Nabal's with plans to not leave one male alive by morning.

Abigail, sensed the situation and set off with gifts to meet David and his men. Upon meeting David, Abigail gave due respect and spoke wisely, voicing concerns about the  staggering concerns of needless bloodshed.

David could have ignored Abigail, for she was a woman, but through her words and actions did command respect.  David listened and remembered Abigail when he heard that Nabal died (I suspect of a heart attack).

This exchange is an example of communication between a servant and a master, a leader and a servant.  When a concern arises, it is best communicated to the leader and the leader is wise to listen to sage advise from a servant.  Remember we all have servant and leadership roles in our life.  

Can you think of any times when your words and actions resulted in a disaster being avoided?

Who are you sharing the good news of Christ's work on the cross and resurrection for forgiveness of sin with?  Consider that by sharing the good news, the disaster of an eternity in hell might be avoided.

Pray for the Spirit to open your eyes to opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

David P

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