Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Contrasting (July 20)

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Declares the Lord.
                                    Isaiah 55:8 NIV

The awesome, abundant, glass overflowing; incomparable nature of God in contrast to our generally awful; scarcity, glass half full; common nature of man is highlighted by the Lord's declaration we read today.

We Christians can also appreciate differences between us individuals.  We individuals do not think alike nor do we act alike; we are all different and all have different gifts, blessings, challenges and burdens.

It is by what God has given, what Christ has done, and the work of the Holy Spirit that we differing individuals have a common message, goal, destination and purpose.  It is by Christ's work on the cross and his overcoming of death that we have eternal life. 

Jesus, being the perfect Son of God, was able to purchase all of humanities sin by shedding His precious blood.  His action was perfect, sufficient, complete and whole for all

God has a plan.  It is His plan, by His design, He orchestrated it.  His plan surpasses all human understanding.  It is only by the work of the Spirit that we can begin to gain a dim understanding of the clear perfect plan for all of us, despite our many differences.  We are united in Christ into one body, but many parts.

Let us stand united in Christ and be thankful that we all have different functions in that body.

What functions do you have as a member of Christ's body?

How do your perform those functions?

Do you have any questions about how you could serve, if you do please discuss those questions with a pastor or leader.

Pray to work, united in Christ as a team to tell the story.

In Christ,

David P

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