Friday, April 15, 2011

Success (April 16)

Whatever Saul sent him to do, David did it so successfully that Saul gave him a high rank in the army.  This pleased all the people, and Saul's officers as well.

In everything he did, he had great success, because the Lord was with him.  When Saul saw how sucessful he was, he was afraid of him.
                                   From 1 Samuel 18 NIV

Here, David was a success on many occasions.  Webster tells us that success is: the favorable or prosperous termination or attempts or endeavors; the attainment of wealth, position honors, or the like; a successful performance or achievement; a person or thing that is successful; (obs) outcome. 

It has been said that David is still a hero  for the citizens of Israel for he was such a success in battle, in guiding the kingdom, in his leadership abilities.  One might ask why David was so blessed?  We will learn that his walk with the Lord was close.

As we read yesterday, David gave praise to the Lord and promised to continue to give praise to the Lord.  He had a very close walk with the Lord.  We will see that David was led by the Lord and did not take matters into his own hands, by his own will.  We will clearly see an example of this next week on April 19, in Samuel 24, where David spares Saul's life.

We also see that David became respected, a leader, a successful leader by having his eyes open to the Spirit's guidance and using that guidance with wisdom and courage to complete his tasks.  We learn from David that success comes from following the Lord in our tasks. 

His will, not "my" will.

What kinds of succesess have you seen this week by following the Lord?

Have you seen fear in someone as a result of another's success?

Pray for unity in the church, community, nation and world.

In Christ,

David P

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