Friday, December 2, 2011

Sowing and Reaping (Dec 2)

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
                                                    2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV

Often this passage is used during stewardship campaigns to motivate, encourage and promote more generous giving, with hope of a more effective campaign and a greater response to the appeal.

I would like to take a different view of the verse.  I would like us to look at our lives, our daily activities, how we spend our time and where we receive blessing in our daily walk.  Hopefully we will see how this verse applies to our individual lives.  If we look at time given to an activity as an aspect of sowing, then we might see that in areas of our life where we give time, we also receive blessing, or reap in abundance.

How do we spend time during our "average day?"  If we look at the activities we receive our greatest blessing from, we probably will notice that those activities are the activities we spend the greatest time in.  For example, consider people who appear to have an exceptional talent for a sport, craft, hobby or other activity.  After considering the exceptional talent or gift in that person's life, I suspect if one could look into that person's daily schedule, much time would be devoted to that sport, craft, hobby or other activity.

Reflect on your life; in what areas do you excel?  How much time do you devote to those areas?  Are there any areas of your life that you wish to improve?  Consider spending more time on those activities.

Pray to sow and reap in abundance.

Pray for the Spirit to guide you to spend more time on areas of your life that have eternal value.

In Christ,

David P

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