Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jars (June 23)

When all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one."  But he replied, "There is not a jar left."  Then the oil stopped flowing.
                                    2 Kings 4:6 NIV

Many parallels between us, our faith, God and God's blessing can be considered in the above passage.  In Israel, the possession of oil was a sign of possession of God's blessing. 

By faith, the woman followed the instruction to obtain empty jars from all her neighbors.  The oil flowed freely and abundantly to fill the jars.  When the jars were full, the flow of oil stopped.  We, by faith, ask God in prayer to fulfill our needs, to bless our efforts, and for direction.  Our faith is in a sense, the container that God can and does fill with his answer, oil, to our prayer. 

The oil in this passage was free to the woman.  In the same way, eternal life is free to us.  On the other hand, the oil had a value and was able to pay the woman's debts.  In the same way, our debts, sin, was paid for and our eternal life was purchased by the death of Jesus on the cross and by his resurrection for all believers in Him.

God is an awesome, infinite, powerful and abundant God; who desires to have your faith increase or in other words, gracefully fill our jars. 

In sharing the Gospel message; we are by the Spirit in a sense gathering empty jars.  God, by the Spirit can fill those empty jars and give eternal life.

What are you doing to gather empty jars?

How is your jar growing?

What oil are you putting in your jar?

Pray for opportunities to tell the Gospel message.

In Christ,

David P

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