Friday, December 24, 2010

The Word Became Flesh

On this Christmas Eve 2010, I'm marveling at the fact that God took on human flesh, that He became one of us, save for sin. This is the key for seeing through the entire scriptures. In a chronological reading of the bible, we don't actually get into the life of Jesus until Sept. 28; nearly 9 months of readings before we crack the four gospels. Certainly we've got to keep in mind that the entirety of the Hebrew Scriptures points forward to Jesus, and these "Old Testament" scriptures reveal a ton about God's character before Jesus even physically shows up on the scene in the flesh, not to mention what we learn about the culture and times in which these inspired scriptures were written. Below is some cut paper artwork I created five years ago as I reflected on this CHRISTmas story. It's entitled, INTIMACY. Merry Christmas!


  1. Please consider joining this study.

    We will be on a journey thru the bible in one year. The first nine months (or so) will be in the old testiment. There we will discuss creation, the formation of Israel, Israel's history, psalms, wisdom, love, major and minor prophecies. We will learn of God's redemptime plan for humanity thru His son Jesus Christ.

    In Early fall, when we read about Christ's life and the accounts of his earthly ministry, we will see Him as the son of God and son of man.

    Later in the year we will be enlightened by letters and episltes commenting on the meanings of Christ's life and passion.

    We will see that the bible is God's word and that Christ is the heart of the bible.

    We will see the truth in John 3:16

    We will read the Revelation and gain insight into the day of the Lord.

    Please pray for the Spirit to lead, open our hearts, give us the tools to understand, and to let us hear the truths..Also ask for the wisdom, strength and courage to apply the truths to our life so that we with love, kindness, and strength be able to tell the story.

    It is an awesome, truthful, life changing story.

  2. The comment RE: considering joining the study was by me, David, a fellow leader in the study
